Supporters / Media

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They support MEDigIT 2024

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MEDigIT has the support of clusters, associations, incubators and media from across the Digital Health sector, reflecting the breadth of the event’s content, participants and partners.

Supporting MedFIT offers the opportunity to:

ASSOCIATE YOUR ORGANISATIONto the global business partnering convention dedicated to digital health innovations

BRING BENEFITS FOR YOUR NETWORKinvite your members to register for the event and offer them a discount on all registration fees

PROMOTE YOUR INVOLVEMENTin the sector among your network via your website, newsletters and social media

ENHANCE YOUR VISIBILITYby supporting MEDigIT and being recognised as a key player of the Digital Health sector

Stay tuned, we’ll update this webpage soon!

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Until October 3rd, 2024