MEDigIT, the European convention at the forefront of Digital Health in Europe

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MEDigIT, the new European convention for Digital Health innovation

The 3rd and 4th December 2024, Eurasanté will launch MEDigIT, a European convention dedicated to Digital Health and Digital Medicine. The event will take place in Lille Grand Palais. MEDigIT will be joint with MedFIT, the European event on innovation in MedTech, Diagnostic and Digital Health.

How MEDigIT was born ?

Eurasante already co-organises four international conventions which promote innovation in Biotechnology, Nutrition, Healthy Ageing and MedTech. This expertise of health-related innovation has led them to believe that Digital Health was no longer just a support to other sectors but a sector of its own.

According to Etienne Vervaecke, Eurasante’s General Manager, it is time to provide the innovation ecosystem with an opportunity to exchange and create partnerships specifically in the Digital Health sector:

“Every sector now depends on digital solutions. Digitalisation has allowed innovators to be more creative and faster in bringing solutions to the market. Health is no exception and as we organise four international conventions in different sectors of healthcare including MedFIT dedicated to MedTech, Diagnostic and Digital Health, we really are at the forefront of the exponential growth of Digital Health.It has grown so fast it is now a sector of its own and we felt there was a necessity to give it its own meeting opportunity in Europe. Digital Health can accelerate and disrupt the healthcare system even more if we provide the adequate context for innovators, investors and established companies and facilities to gather and create new partnerships. This is the reason why we are launching MEDigIT, the European partnering event fostering innovation in Digital Health.”
1406170D9A8930 eurasante light MEDigIT, the European convention at the forefront of Digital Health in Europe

About MEDigIT

To create the perfect ecosystem for partnerships to emerge, a few ingredients are needed. MEDigIT will act as a facilitator between potential partners thanks to an online partnering platform. This platform allows participants to identify counterparties and schedule face-to-face meetings at the event.

It is also essential that innovators are given the opportunity to showcase their project. The Start-up Slams are just that. These pitch sessions will put forward young companies and allow them to benefit from the feedback of an expert jury. The most convincing pitch will be awarded as the most innovative start-up in Europe.

The exhibition area is also a way to discover new companies and more established organisations. It is common to both MedFIT and MEDigIT. During the two days of the event, you will have the opportunity to exchange with potential partners in the alleys of the two events.

Discussing and exchanging on the sector is of the utmost importance, especially when the sector is expanding as fast as Digital Health is. The field is already facing issues and will face more unsuspected challenges in the future. Reflecting on these problematics will allow us to go in the most responsible direction. This is the point of the conference programme which will feature inspiring speakers.

MEDigIT will take place in Lille Grand Palais on December 3rd and 4th, 2024.

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Until October 3rd, 2024